January 2, 2008

The Truth About the Flat Belly Diet

Flat Belly Diet: Just Another Diet Scam?

After the New Year, everyone is busy first making and then trying to keep from breaking their New Year's resolutions. It is no wonder then, that keyword searches for diet plans to assist individuals in reaching their goals are HOT, HOT, HOT as far as major search engines like Google and Yahoo are concerned. Topping the list of On Fire Topics and sparking the latest media frenzy is a new revolution in diet plans, a "breakthrough in medical science", the so-called Flat Belly Diet. Recently spotlighted on the Good Morning America show, the diet claims that frantic dieters can lose 15 pounds in 32 days and get a flat belly without ever doing a single crunch! The diet was developed by Editor in Chief, Liz Vaccariello and Nutrition Editor, Cynthia Sass, both of Prevention Magazine! Yes, you did hear me correctly! This supposed "breakthrough in medical science" diet was actually created by two MAGAZINE EDITORS!

The diet is fully detailed in a book for $31.95 plus offers an online support system, similar to Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet. Wow, sounds like a great deal! But really, is it?

This article hopes to serve the purpose of reviewing the major claims of the Flat Belly Diet and will attempt to offer the conscientious consumer an alternative view on these claims, thus enabling them to make informed choices about whether this is a diet miracle, or just another contemporary, predator-style, marketing-friendly diet scam stalking it's next desperate, overweight prey!

Major Claim #1: Lose 15 pounds in 32 days.

Unfortunately, our current generation focuses on the dense desire for instant gratification! We want everything NOW, and sometimes even yesterday! It is no mistake, then, that brilliant advertising executives exploit this concept by marketing these "quick fix" types of diet plans, such as the Flat Belly Diet.

First and foremost, any diet plan that offers dieters a quick fix in losing weight is an absolute farce! While quick fixes may often result initially in rapid weight loss, this weight loss tends to be short term, consequently resulting in an even greater weight gain further down the line.

Additionally, physicians recommend that weight loss that is most beneficial for your body, your health, and will ultimately be easier to maintain is weight loss that occurs slowly, at a rate of about 2 pounds per week. Therefore, losing 15 pounds in one month's time, although an attractive concept is NOT HEALTHY!

Losing weight is such a simple matter, yet most individuals make it so difficult, especially when people are brainwashed by this "quick fix" mentality. It's a matter of a simple balancing act of diet, exercise and then maintaining your weight loss with your continued efforts. The bottom line is you must either eat less than you burn, or burn more than you eat! It is all about calorie intake vs. calorie expenditure, period!

Major Claim #2: MUFA at Every Meal

The Flat Belly diet claims that eating MUFA, or mono-unsaturated fatty acids at every meal is the key to their weight loss program. MUFA's include foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and some plant foods.

According to "Dietary Fat and Heart Health: in Search of the Ideal Fat", MUFA intake at the expense of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) and saturated fatty acids, (SFA) does not actually counter the presence of dietary cholesterol very well and can lead to an actual increase in LDL/HLD ratio. A balanced SFA/MUFA/PUFA ratio, which is a blend of each type of fatty acids, is said to incorporate a better fatty acid balance than just MUFA alone. In general, their study found that a balance of 1:1:1 produced the best LDL/HDL ratio.

Major Claim #3: Get a Flat Tummy without any Crunches

So, let me get this straight? Lose weight and get a flat belly without any exercise? Wait a minute, it IS a miracle!
Come on folks, let's use our heads, here and think about this concept for just a minute. Bodybuilders will tell you that getting flat, six-pack abs is no easy task. It requires hard work and commitment. When you see a lean, muscular bodybuilder during a competition, their ripped, washboard stomachs are the result of intense dieting down during their pre-competition preparation. Furthermore, they do a great deal of abdominal exercises, along with additional cardiovascular and strength training as well.

In complete opposition to what the Flat Belly Diet leads you to believe, a flat belly does not magically occur with little or no effort. In order to achieve a sexy, flat tummy, regular cardiovascular exercise is required, along with strength training for the ENTIRE body, not just the stomach, and a healthy, low calorie diet. And sorry folks, you are going to have to do some regular sit ups to build those muscles. Losing belly fat without strengthening underlying abdominal muscles will only leave you with a soft, flabby tummy that looks like mush! So, contrary to what the Flat Belly Diet is telling you, it is just not that simple and will take some time and hard work.


According to USA Today, 65% of Americans are either overweight or obese! It is also thought that this rate will continue to rise to even greater alarming levels within the next few years. Quick fix methods of weight loss do not work. Long term efforts that focus on lifestyle changes have proven to be the best way to promote healthy weight loss that will be able to be maintained throughout one's lifetime!

The weight loss Industry will continue to prey on those desperate individuals who are looking for quick fixes in an attempt to solve a long term problem. It is up to each individual to educate themselves and not fall into the trap that these large corporations try to entice them into. This article hopes to open your consumer eyes ever so gently to this concept to assist you in defending yourselves against big business, corporate weight loss scams. The Flat Belly Diet, in this author's opinion, falls into this type of category, but you, the consumer, must judge for yourself!


Anonymous said...

Good information.I appreciate that you are writing about this type of scams.

Debbye Jean's Vegan Diner said...

You are more than welcome. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to post a link to this article on your website or anywhere else.

Gary said...

Results are what's important. I'd always been skeptical of health supplements -- until I tried them. My favorite provider is Jean Carper's Stop Aging Now supplements. She offers a full range of supplements, including cinnamon and green tea extracts, fish oils, etc. If you'd like to take a look at the site, here's a link: http://www.stopagingnow.com . I think it will be worth your time to stop by.


Debbye Jean's Vegan Diner said...

Thanks Gary, I will stop by and take a look.

Debbye Jean's Vegan Diner said...

Well, Gary, that web address does not work....sorry I tried.

Chosen said...

the number one thing that you missed is that every program has its benfits. If someone that is overweight are ready and willing to try something to get serious about losing that unhealthy weight they need to check in first with their doctor and if they get the ok--go for it. Any program will work. The important thing is to start somewhere instead of letting the weight increase.

Faith in a program is the number one key to its success. Faith will cause a person to be diligent and steadfast with the habits they began to introduce into their lifestyle. This program does not tell you to sit around it also encourages that you introduce activity into your life as well.

Soyour "truth" as you put it is only true as it relates to you. For someone else, it will be fantastic!

Debbye Jean's Vegan Diner said...

Yes, you are right, it is my TRUTH, one that others will benefit from learning about, hence RN ONline. I always welcome comments, thank you for stopping by. My point is that diets DO NOT WORK....health lifestyles are a better choice, slow gradual lifestyle changes....Thanks again and check back often.

Sarah said...

I actually love the Flat Belly Diet. I'm not doing it to lose 15lb in 30 days, but I love splitting my daily calories into 4 equal meals. I also love adding more fat to my diet as it keeps me way more satisfied. I have all my opinions on my blog: www.sarahsweightloss.blogspot.com
but I just wanted to offer the opinion that even if the book is expensive (I didn't keep it), the plan is not unhealthy. And anything that helps me to be healthier, I'm all for!