December 11, 2007

Lifestyle Modifications that Can Prevent Disease

Most of us do not make changes in our lives unless something prompts us to do so, perhaps an unexpected illness, accident or emotional upset. Let's face it, we do NOT like to change. We are comfortable where we are at! Right! Being a nurse and working in the ICU, I frequently encounter people when it is too late. For these individuals, disease process has set in and for many of them, lifestyle changes at this point are ineffective. As a nurse, I am also an educator. No matter how sick the individual is, they do not leave my ICU without education. Most of the time, it is on lifestyle modifications necessary to keep them from coming back to the hosptial. Ultimately, they must change their ways. Their old behavior is what brought them to the hospital in the first place: ie; smoking, drinking, overeating, sedentary lifestyle, you name it, they have done it and that is why they are flat on their backs having nurses clean them, turn them, suction them, whatever! The bottom line is, if they were able to make one or two small changes in their daily lives, it could dramatically improve their overall health and ultimately help to prevent future hospitalizations. So, with that said, let's review some lifestyle modifications that you can make to improve your health and prevent disease so that I don't have to see you in my ICU!

  1. Stop drinking.....if you drink too much, either stop or cut down. Alcohol contributes to a long list of illnesses, including cirrhosis of the liver, esophageal varices, GI bleeding, ulcers, pancreatitis, depression, obesity, and the list goes on and on.
  2. Stop smoking.....if you smoke, either stop or cut down. Smoking is another huge risk factor for many illnesses, including heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, emphysema, COPD, and yes, guys, I hate to tell you this, but IMPOTENCE. Stop smoking people, it smells bad and makes you really sick!
  3. Increase your physical activity.....If you live a sedentary life, you need to GET MOVING NOW. Inactivity contributes to obesity which is a risk factor for disease, such as heart attack and stroke and diabetes. Inactivity makes you depressed and feel really bad about yourself. If you don't have time to exercise, then increase your steps or daily movements. You can do this in many different ways. Why not park in a spot farthest from the entrance to where you are going, and not waiting for the closest parking spot. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Instead of sitting on the couch after work and watching TV, sit on the floor and watch TV while doing Yoga, or stretching. MOVE IT OR LOSE IT IS WHAT I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU FOLKS!
  4. Once again, drink plenty of water. Take a bottle of water with you EVERYWHERE YOU GO, unless of course it is contraindicated. Water hydrates and flushes the body of all the junk we put into it. Water is a natural diuretic. Water increases your metabolism. Drink 8 eight ounce glasses per day for optimal health.
  5. Eat a well balanced diet.....I am not saying go on a diet. I am saying if you drink soda, cut it out. Drink water instead. If you eat potato chips in front of the tube after work, try popcorn, unbuttered instead. If you eat 5 slices of pizza on pizza night, cut it down to 2. Include a combo of 5 fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Don't binge eat. Eating 6 small meals a day increases your metabolism and actually helps you lose weight. Don't skip meals. Always eat breakfast. If you simply modify your diet, instead of going on one, you will be more apt to stick to your lifestyle changes and see better results in the long run.
  6. Meditate daily.....take time for the emotional you! Take time to breathe, to enjoy the sunshine, each and every day. Even if it is only for 5 minutes, sit down, do some deep breathing exercises, stretch and just think about how grateful you are for being alive, for all of your blessings. DESTRESS yourself to a better you. For more tips on how to meditate Click Here!

Now, I guarantee you, if you follow the simple steps above to lifestyle modifications, you will change your life and I will not be seeing you in my ICU!

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